Homework Examples

1st Homework- Blind and Modified Contour Feet.  Fill 2 pages of your d. book due 9/3

2nd Homework- "You Animal" - Draw your first or last name in block letters on your front book cover.  Then fill the letters with animal patterns.  Due 9/17

3rd Homework- Study the art of James Marshall (a.k.a. Dalek) Then create your own strong patterns on 1 page of your book.
Artwork by Dalek/James Marshall due 10/1

Dalek-teacher example

4th Homework-Texture Collection-Gather at least 5 different textures.  Arrange them in a unique composition on 1 page of your book.  Show variety. This example has; feathers, plastic, metal, leaves, and wrinkled paper.  Due 10/15

Example of Josh Keyes work, homework due 11/5

link to homework list for fall semester

Joe Triano Homework Due 11/19
Draw a person or animal that connects to the Rodeo Art theme, then color with oil pastels in BRIGHT Complemenetary Colors.
Advanced Art Homework spring semester 2011 (art 2 drawing, art 2 painting, and ap art)

1.  Choose 2 paint chips
2.  Every other week create a piece of art which expresses one of the color strip names.
3. Mix concrete and abstract concepts. 
4.  Use your visual culture (your contemporary view of the world)
Example for Wild Pink-
Abstract=movment, expressive bright color
Acrylic paint on a textured page

Example for Coral Bell-
Concrete=bells, music, church, gothic arch
Abstract=soft rhythm,

Back Cover- Surreal Perspective
Use 1 point, 2 point, or 3 point, mix structures  in correct perspective with surreal elements.

Surrealist Kay Sage