1st Homework- Blind and Modified Contour Feet. Fill 2 pages of your d. book due 9/3
2nd Homework- "You Animal" - Draw your first or last name in block letters on your front book cover. Then fill the letters with animal patterns. Due 9/17
3rd Homework- Study the art of James Marshall (a.k.a. Dalek) Then create your own strong patterns on 1 page of your book.
Artwork by Dalek/James Marshall due 10/1
2nd Homework- "You Animal" - Draw your first or last name in block letters on your front book cover. Then fill the letters with animal patterns. Due 9/17
3rd Homework- Study the art of James Marshall (a.k.a. Dalek) Then create your own strong patterns on 1 page of your book.
Artwork by Dalek/James Marshall due 10/1
Dalek-teacher example
4th Homework-Texture Collection-Gather at least 5 different textures. Arrange them in a unique composition on 1 page of your book. Show variety. This example has; feathers, plastic, metal, leaves, and wrinkled paper. Due 10/15
link to homework list for fall semester
Joe Triano Homework Due 11/19
Draw a person or animal that connects to the Rodeo Art theme, then color with oil pastels in BRIGHT Complemenetary Colors.
Example for Wild Pink- Concrete=Beast Abstract=movment, expressive bright color Acrylic paint on a textured page |
Example for Coral Bell- Concrete=bells, music, church, gothic arch Abstract=soft rhythm, |
Back Cover- Surreal Perspective
Use 1 point, 2 point, or 3 point, mix structures in correct perspective with surreal elements.
Surrealist Kay Sage